Friday, September 3, 2010

Jericho vs Bowser, Robo's Birthday and a new trainer

So this morning was a rough start.  My husband left for the long weekend to be with his dad in Vegas...blah to them both.  hahaha

Anyway, the boys were a bit sad so I let school wait a bit and gave them some free time this morning.  They began by pulling out all of their blocks and I mean all!  I could not walk through my living room.  They went straight to work building a small city.  Soon after they had an action toy, who they have named Bowser (the Super Mario character), and they were explaining to this small toy why he needed to go in and knock down the walls of Jericho.  LOL... I love the imaginations of kids.  So two seconds later, Bowser heeded the advice of my 4 and 7 year old and the walls came crumbling down!

They then began to build a giant cage for my sons Robo Raptor (a robotic dinosaur).  I was informed that today, September 3rd, was Robo's birthday.  We had GoGurt's as the "cake", sang happy birthday to Robo and took pictures with Robo.  It was great as impromptu birthday's go :)

After I started my 5th day on P90X!  Woohoo!  My 7 year old thought he would try it with me.  I warned him.  We were doing balance lunges when he screamed out, "Why would they make you do this to yourself?!! This hurts!"  I just laughed and said that is what happens when you become an torture yourself!  :)  He then decided that he would just sit back and watch me to make sure I was doing everything correctly.  So for the next hour all I heard was, "Mommy, you aren't doing it like they are." "Mommy they are a lot lower than you." "Mommy why did you stop, they are still going."  In between huffs and puffs I tried to explain how those people are in better shape then me, but I received no mercy. "Mom, you just have to work harder!"  LOL  who needs to pay a personal trainer?!

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