Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Here comes the do do do

OK, so I had a bit of a mental breakdown the other day.  It is so strange how life can just throw you for a loop and knock you on your butt.  Amazing how quickly we forget who is in charge, and lose our faith.  Luckily I have a great friend who reminded me that if we question our calling, or the place where we have been put, we are questioning God.  Hmmm... good point.  Evil exists, and it will get to us every chance it has.  After A LOT of prayer and voicing my frustration, I am starting to feel better.  I guess everyone gets overwhelmed at some point.  It is so crazy how you can go from feeling so alone and hopeless, to feeling invigorated and loved.  I know what I was meant to do...I just have to do it!  Get over my hangups and pray for His help in changing me.  The image of being refined in the fire keeps coming into my mind.  He is refining me, and I should give praise for that... Argh, urg, arrrrr.  I feel like my kids when I am making them apologize for something they don't want to apologize for :)  
So, tonight I was at Barnes & of my favorite stores!  I love books and it is the perfect place to get away when I don't have the kids!  Thanks to my mom and dad I had a couple hours of sanity!  I decided to look in the organization section to see if I could find something to help.  This little pink book popped out at me; Sink Reflections by The FlyLady.  I started to peruse the first couple chapters.  I was hooked right away.  It seems to give an easy, step by step approach to cleaning and organizing.  So I am going to give it a try.  I like it because it is in baby steps...I can do that, right?  OK, first step is to clean the sink...really clean.  More like detail the sink.  She says the first time will take a while, but then you won't have to spend that much time on it again because you will be giving it a quick once over everyday.  So here goes!  Day one...clean the sink.  Oh Lord give me strength!  Baby steps, baby steps...fix my life one step at a time...and with God's help, anything is possible...right?  :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you Anjuli. We all get stuck in ruts but God always offers us away out. We just have to receive it. That book sounds awesome and I've heard of Fly Lady before. Let me know how it goes. Keep puttin' your shoes on! ha ha!
