Thursday, September 16, 2010

I can see clearly now...

Today was a good day.  Brendan had his classes for homeschoolers at Discovery Science Center over the last two days.  He had such a great time.  They did a wonderful job!  I can't wait to have him do it again next year.  He even came home and finished all of his classwork without any hassle.  Scoring an A+ on his second math test.  I was proud of him :)
I was happy with myself today too!  So I am following the book Sink Reflections.  The first chapter tells you to start with cleaning out your sink.  Really cleaning!  So I spent an hour today scouring the sink the way she outlines.  (Well only 20 minutes of actual scouring...the rest was waiting for the bleach to do it's job.)  I have to say, I do feel better.  I am astonished at how clean my sink is.  I told my husband that the new rule for the sink is that nothing is allowed to sit in it.  So anything you take to the sink needs to be washed out and either put away or put into the dishwasher.  Day one...done!  So now tomorrow I must start my day out right.  Fly Lady suggests getting dressed, fixing my hair and wearing shoes.  She presented it as being a stay at home mom is my job.  I must show up for work prepared and ready to go!  It makes sense.  She says that when we are dressed, shoes and all, we are better prepared to face our day and anything that is in front of us.  So here it goes!  I am ready to try anything!  :)

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