Monday, September 13, 2010

It's the end of Wii as we know it...and I feel fine!

So yesterday morning was not a good morning.  On the weekends I try to allow the boys time to play Wii.  However, every time they go to play it there always seems to be an argument.  I tried setting up a system where they took turns being player one and whoever was player one got to pick the game they would play.  They still managed to argue.  So yesterday they asked if they could play.  I said yes, as long as they would promise not to argue.  If I heard arguing I would turn it off.  Not even one minute passed before an argument ensued.  "I want to play this!" "No! I want to play this game!" Screaming at each other.  So I made them turn it off.  This turned their shouts into tears.  "No mommy, please, we will do better.  Give us a second chance!"  I am tired of second chances.  So I held my ground.  Then they turned on each other.  "It's your fault!" "NO! It's your fault!" Then the pushing began.  I had enough!  I went over and took the Wii out of the TV unit.  They both stopped abruptly and looked at me.  "What are you doing?!!"  I had threatened to take the Wii away before. But this time I actually did it.  I do not really like video games so I am fine not having it in the house.  The boys were very upset.  There was begging and pleading.  There were promises to be better.  I told them my mind was made up.  It was gone.  I was done with the fighting.  Brendan started in with cries of wishing he were dead.  I have decided to try a different approach.  I think the first time he said it (last year at school) he was serious.  I think he may have those thoughts, but at the same time I wonder if he uses it as a way to throw me off in order to get his way.  So I sat him down and explained why when he says that it hurts mommy.  I have had this conversation before, but I continue to remind him.  It is hard to always know what he can help and what he can't when it comes to his Asperger's.  I am choosing to help him understand that he can control his words.  Though it may take a while, I think with time and encouragement he will be able to control his tongue.  He said he was sorry for saying that and we went on with our day. 
I am actually quite happy without the Wii.  Since it is no longer there they have not bugged me to play it.  My husband isn't too happy, but he can take it out when they have gone to sleep :) 


  1. Good for you! Kids need to know that when you say something, you mean it, 100% of the time. Then they can trust you and actually feel more secure. I think that telling kids repeatedly only increases the whining and begging. You are an awesome and thoughtful mom.

  2. As a family debating whether to even buy a Wii, I needed this reminder that I want to not have video games in my home! Thanks for sharing and job well done!
