Thursday, September 9, 2010

Great opportunity for parents!

Norm Wakefield
Topic: "It's a matter of Identity: Leading Your Children to Know Who They Are"
Have you wondered - Why does my child do that?

Where:  Mission Viejo Christian Church/School
             27192 Jeronimo Road
            Mission Viejo, CA 92692

When:  Friday September 10, 2010 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM PDT

Register Here

Dear Friends
It is not often we get a night together to hear from an experienced homeschool dad/speaker. Many moms are familiar with Sally Clarkson but what about Dad; Norm is here for you and your guy!
This event is FREE and open to the homeschool community. A 'love offering' will be taken in lieu of admission, and Norm will have other resources available for purchase.
This event is appropriate for all ages, but will be most meaningful to 6th grade and up. No childcare will be provided for this event. So if you have to choose who gets to come, may I suggest Dad.

Family, work, church, and sports have a place in most men's lives. Experience as a college athlete, a school teacher and coach, a father of four, a husband of 36 years, a worship leader (plays the guitar), youth minister, and a pastor gives Norm a broad range of experience with which to relate to men.
Even though his talks are "user friendly for the guys", I have learned a lot from him on relating to and what to expect in my growing young men. My family has benefitted from our experience listening to his tapes and we are excited to be able to hear him in person. His ministry has been a huge encouragement to us on our homeschool path.

We hope you will join us to hear from this remarkable homeschool pioneer and find your families path.
Please let us know you can come by clicking on the link to register or RSVP.

If you have any questions about the event or how to register, please do not hesitate to call or email me at

Thank you so much for your time and patience. I look forward to seeing you at the event. Please forgive me if you have received this email more than once. Click below to update your profile with me so that I can send you emails focused on your interest.  website with info


Donna Bixby
Bixby Educational Events, Inc. B.E.E.
714 6426482

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