Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I do believe in fairies...

Tonight I was privileged to watch Peter Pan, a new stage production of J.M. Barrie’s classic story.  In a state of the art, 360-degree theater with a video projection, this show transported the audience from London to Neverland in a seamless, dream-like, performance.

The show included wonderfully created puppets, including Nana, the kids favorite dog, and the ominous ticking croc, creatively made out of hangers and fabric.  The 360-degree projection screen took you soaring over London and Big Ben to Neverland, from the Lost Boys tree house to the depths of Mermaid Lagoon.  The show is pure magic, inspiring the child in all of us to dream of pirates, Indians, mermaids, fairies and heroes.  The incredible imagination of the creators is awe inspiring.

The actors were phenomenal in bringing their characters to life.  Tinker Bell had the fire and attitude as originally imagined by J.M. Barrie.  Captain Hook was the perfect pirate that everyone loves to hate.  Peter made you want to crow and believe in fairies, and Wendy reminded all women what it was like to be a girl again.

I highly recommend this show to everyone!  It will bring a smile to your heart :)

**I feel this show is more appropriate for children 6 and up.  They do stick closely to the original story so there are moments that are intended for a more mature audience.

For more information visit the Peter Pan website.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

OC Kids Book Festival - Free Sunday Oct. 3rd

This is a great free event for families.  Located at Orange Coast College.  Check the website for more information.  Kids Book Festival

Monday, September 20, 2010

Museum Day

Smithsonian Magazine is hosting it’s 6th annual Museum Day on September 25th.  Click on the link:
You can download one free ticket good for two people for admission to a participating museum.  There are lots to choose from.

Annual homeschool day at Six Flags

I wanted to let you know about Six Flags Magic Mountain's 15th home school day!
When: Friday, November 5, 2010  
Price: Tickets are only $24.99 that day and if you would like to include a meal, the tickets are $31.99 for an all-you-can-eat buffet served between 12:30pm-2:00pm
Ages 2 and under are free.
Time: Park hours: 10:30am-6:00pm
Just fyi, no season passes or other tickets will be honored on this day.
If you want to buy your tickets online, you can go to and enter promotional code: HOMESCHOOL and purchase your tickets for HOME SCHOOL DAY

Free Color Me Mine painting

Free for homeschoolers!

In the month of September Color Me Mine is offering free painting time.  You still have to buy the piece :)  If you are interested contact me and I will e-mail you the coupon.  Good at the Mission Viejo location only.

Homeschool Days at La Brea Tar Pits

From La Brea website:
Home Schools:
  • We offer two exclusive days a year for home schools groups of any size to learn about our museum by interacting with our educators, volunteers and docents. Home school groups may visit our museum for free on November 10, 2010 and March 2, 2011 from 9:30am-2:00pm. No need to reserve a spot, just show up!
  • Guest Relations can book home schools at a group rate on other dates: (323) 857-6300 x107,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I can see clearly now...

Today was a good day.  Brendan had his classes for homeschoolers at Discovery Science Center over the last two days.  He had such a great time.  They did a wonderful job!  I can't wait to have him do it again next year.  He even came home and finished all of his classwork without any hassle.  Scoring an A+ on his second math test.  I was proud of him :)
I was happy with myself today too!  So I am following the book Sink Reflections.  The first chapter tells you to start with cleaning out your sink.  Really cleaning!  So I spent an hour today scouring the sink the way she outlines.  (Well only 20 minutes of actual scouring...the rest was waiting for the bleach to do it's job.)  I have to say, I do feel better.  I am astonished at how clean my sink is.  I told my husband that the new rule for the sink is that nothing is allowed to sit in it.  So anything you take to the sink needs to be washed out and either put away or put into the dishwasher.  Day one...done!  So now tomorrow I must start my day out right.  Fly Lady suggests getting dressed, fixing my hair and wearing shoes.  She presented it as being a stay at home mom is my job.  I must show up for work prepared and ready to go!  It makes sense.  She says that when we are dressed, shoes and all, we are better prepared to face our day and anything that is in front of us.  So here it goes!  I am ready to try anything!  :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Here comes the do do do

OK, so I had a bit of a mental breakdown the other day.  It is so strange how life can just throw you for a loop and knock you on your butt.  Amazing how quickly we forget who is in charge, and lose our faith.  Luckily I have a great friend who reminded me that if we question our calling, or the place where we have been put, we are questioning God.  Hmmm... good point.  Evil exists, and it will get to us every chance it has.  After A LOT of prayer and voicing my frustration, I am starting to feel better.  I guess everyone gets overwhelmed at some point.  It is so crazy how you can go from feeling so alone and hopeless, to feeling invigorated and loved.  I know what I was meant to do...I just have to do it!  Get over my hangups and pray for His help in changing me.  The image of being refined in the fire keeps coming into my mind.  He is refining me, and I should give praise for that... Argh, urg, arrrrr.  I feel like my kids when I am making them apologize for something they don't want to apologize for :)  
So, tonight I was at Barnes & of my favorite stores!  I love books and it is the perfect place to get away when I don't have the kids!  Thanks to my mom and dad I had a couple hours of sanity!  I decided to look in the organization section to see if I could find something to help.  This little pink book popped out at me; Sink Reflections by The FlyLady.  I started to peruse the first couple chapters.  I was hooked right away.  It seems to give an easy, step by step approach to cleaning and organizing.  So I am going to give it a try.  I like it because it is in baby steps...I can do that, right?  OK, first step is to clean the sink...really clean.  More like detail the sink.  She says the first time will take a while, but then you won't have to spend that much time on it again because you will be giving it a quick once over everyday.  So here goes!  Day one...clean the sink.  Oh Lord give me strength!  Baby steps, baby steps...fix my life one step at a time...and with God's help, anything is possible...right?  :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

It's the end of Wii as we know it...and I feel fine!

So yesterday morning was not a good morning.  On the weekends I try to allow the boys time to play Wii.  However, every time they go to play it there always seems to be an argument.  I tried setting up a system where they took turns being player one and whoever was player one got to pick the game they would play.  They still managed to argue.  So yesterday they asked if they could play.  I said yes, as long as they would promise not to argue.  If I heard arguing I would turn it off.  Not even one minute passed before an argument ensued.  "I want to play this!" "No! I want to play this game!" Screaming at each other.  So I made them turn it off.  This turned their shouts into tears.  "No mommy, please, we will do better.  Give us a second chance!"  I am tired of second chances.  So I held my ground.  Then they turned on each other.  "It's your fault!" "NO! It's your fault!" Then the pushing began.  I had enough!  I went over and took the Wii out of the TV unit.  They both stopped abruptly and looked at me.  "What are you doing?!!"  I had threatened to take the Wii away before. But this time I actually did it.  I do not really like video games so I am fine not having it in the house.  The boys were very upset.  There was begging and pleading.  There were promises to be better.  I told them my mind was made up.  It was gone.  I was done with the fighting.  Brendan started in with cries of wishing he were dead.  I have decided to try a different approach.  I think the first time he said it (last year at school) he was serious.  I think he may have those thoughts, but at the same time I wonder if he uses it as a way to throw me off in order to get his way.  So I sat him down and explained why when he says that it hurts mommy.  I have had this conversation before, but I continue to remind him.  It is hard to always know what he can help and what he can't when it comes to his Asperger's.  I am choosing to help him understand that he can control his words.  Though it may take a while, I think with time and encouragement he will be able to control his tongue.  He said he was sorry for saying that and we went on with our day. 
I am actually quite happy without the Wii.  Since it is no longer there they have not bugged me to play it.  My husband isn't too happy, but he can take it out when they have gone to sleep :) 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My son with Asperger's

So today I was at Barnes & Noble and I found a book called The Asperger's Answer Book.  Actually my mom found it.  :)  Anyway, as we began to read through it the realization of my son's disorder began to overtake me. 
At first glance he seems like a normal, healthy, average seven year old boy.  When one begins to talk to him they start to realize that there is something not "normal" about him.  Many people think it is me, my parenting style, lack of discipline.  The truth is I have tried everything.  The harder I was on him the worse his behavior became.  The biggest indicator to me that something was wrong was the fact that no matter what the consequence would be he would still display the behavior, and then be completely shocked that he received the consequence...just to repeat the behavior again the next day.  I finally took him to a psychologist where he was diagnosed with Asperger's Disorder. 
Back to the book store. I guess I just started to feel sorry for myself and for my son.  Why couldn't he just be "normal"?  Why do I have to continually reteach behaviors that seem to come naturally to so many kids?  Pity party for one, please.  My mom was there to remind me that as things go I am very blessed to have a healthy child.  And while he is not the most "normal" child he still will be able to lead a somewhat "normal" life.  I know she is right.  There is just something about reading it on paper, about common behaviors shared with children that have this, and realizing that this isn't something that will just go away. 
The part of the book I was reading was about truth-bound thinking.  That is when they tell the truth, to anybody and everybody, without any concept of how the truth may hurt the person they are telling.  To them the truth is simply that, and if it is the truth it shouldn't hurt.  Just yesterday we had an encounter, one of many that makes me want to run and hide under the nearest table.  We met a girl who my husband works with.  She had her hair teased up pretty high.  It was cute on her and the style many wear now.  Well my son walked up to her and boldly said to her, "You need to get a haircut!"  She looked a bit shocked and said, "Why, do you not like it?"  He said, "Not that just have too much hair."  This is mild compared to some of the other situations I have been in, but still.  My husband and I had to apologize and yet again explain to him why we can't just tell people exactly what is on our minds...though in retrospect I think I have met quite a few people with this same issue!  :)  To some this may seem like a normal behavior kids display, and it is in 3-5 year old's.  The problem is mine is 7 and improvement is slim. 
A couple of months ago we were at Panda Express.  My son sat at a table next to the line while I went through to get the food.  He got up from the table to ask me a question.  I told him that he better go sit down or someone would take his seat.  He thought it would be fine because he could see the seat and it was still empty.  Well sure enough a man came along and sat in his seat.  I said to my son, "I told you so".  With that my son marched himself over to this man with tattoos up and down his arms, in all black and still wearing sunglasses inside the restaurant, and boldly said, "This is my seat.  You took it!"  The man said, "You weren't here.  You have to find another seat."  "But I was sitting there and you took it.  This is the table for my family." "Too bad kid.  Find another table."  Meanwhile I am in line flailing my arms, telling him to stay quiet and just take another seat.  So my son sat at the table right next to the man.  He then stares at him, looks at me, and says quite loudly, "He is not very nice!"  shhhhhhhh.... Then he looked directly at the man and stated loudly, "You are not very nice!"  Oye!  He gets me into so much trouble!
Anyway, I am looking forward to reading this book.  It has a lot of great information in it on how to deal with various situations, and how to slowly but surely help your child become more successful in social situations.  I love my son, and as long as I can see the brighter side of these situations the road will be an easier one!  :)

FREE days at Muzeo in Anaheim! This weekend! Frogs - A must see for kids!

Be our guest this weekend to celebrate the opening of Miradas: Ancient Roots in Modern and Contemporary Mexican Art from the Bank of America Collection

Miradas features the renowned work of some of the best known Mexican artists - Diego Rivera, Rufino Tamayo, Gabriel Orozco, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Gunther Gerzso - as well as American artists who worked in Mexico such as Luis Jiminez Jr., Robert Juarez and Frank Romero. This unique survey of over 95 works takes a close look at the paintings, prints and photographs created over the past 80 years. It celebrates work by artists on both sides of the border to reveal a variety of cultural aspects as they emerged in the years after the Mexican Revolution to the present day.
This is your last chance to kiss your favorite frog through the glass habitats or visit this exhibition if you haven't had a chance to do so this summer! Yes, Frogs: A Chorus of Colors is also free this weekend (September 11 and September 12) so stop in to say goodbye!

Frogs: A Chorus of Colors closes September 12.

FREE DAYS @ MUZEO is brought to you by the generous support of Bank of America.

MUZEO is located at 241 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA on the corner of Anaheim and Broadway.

Muzeo website

Great opportunity for parents!

Norm Wakefield
Topic: "It's a matter of Identity: Leading Your Children to Know Who They Are"
Have you wondered - Why does my child do that?

Where:  Mission Viejo Christian Church/School
             27192 Jeronimo Road
            Mission Viejo, CA 92692

When:  Friday September 10, 2010 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM PDT

Register Here

Dear Friends
It is not often we get a night together to hear from an experienced homeschool dad/speaker. Many moms are familiar with Sally Clarkson but what about Dad; Norm is here for you and your guy!
This event is FREE and open to the homeschool community. A 'love offering' will be taken in lieu of admission, and Norm will have other resources available for purchase.
This event is appropriate for all ages, but will be most meaningful to 6th grade and up. No childcare will be provided for this event. So if you have to choose who gets to come, may I suggest Dad.

Family, work, church, and sports have a place in most men's lives. Experience as a college athlete, a school teacher and coach, a father of four, a husband of 36 years, a worship leader (plays the guitar), youth minister, and a pastor gives Norm a broad range of experience with which to relate to men.
Even though his talks are "user friendly for the guys", I have learned a lot from him on relating to and what to expect in my growing young men. My family has benefitted from our experience listening to his tapes and we are excited to be able to hear him in person. His ministry has been a huge encouragement to us on our homeschool path.

We hope you will join us to hear from this remarkable homeschool pioneer and find your families path.
Please let us know you can come by clicking on the link to register or RSVP.

If you have any questions about the event or how to register, please do not hesitate to call or email me at

Thank you so much for your time and patience. I look forward to seeing you at the event. Please forgive me if you have received this email more than once. Click below to update your profile with me so that I can send you emails focused on your interest.  website with info


Donna Bixby
Bixby Educational Events, Inc. B.E.E.
714 6426482

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ice Skating for Homeschoolers!

This is so much fun and a great opportunity for the kids to get some excercise and play with other kids.

Homeschool Family Ice Skating sessions start again on Monday, September 13. This special session is every Monday from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Aliso Viejo Ice Palace (so same time, same place since 2008). Cost is $8 per session: that includes admission, skate rental, and a 20-minute lesson for beginners. At least one instructor is on the ice the entire hour to assist skaters of all levels.
Anyone is welcome on any Monday throughout the year (mid-Sept through mid-June); we’ve enjoyed skating with kids of all ages during the past two years. Parents do not have to skate with their kids, but are welcome to do so, and there is no cost for spectators. Again this year, we’ll do the limbo, chicken dance, hokey-pokey and relay races. Remember to dress warmly (though not too bulkily), wear gloves or mittens, and arrive early if you can so you have time to select the best skate size and see some top skaters in action.

Located at #9 Journey in Aliso Viejo, the Ice Palace is a short drive from the Aliso Creek exit from the 73 Toll Road. A map and MapQuest link are available on the Ice Palace website:
We look forward to seeing some familiar faces on the ice and in the snack area (where it’s warm) again this year, and we look forward to welcoming new ice skaters to this special family session available each Monday throughout the 2010-11 school year.

Engineering Logos for Homeschoolers

Engineering FUNdamentals with LEGO® for Homeschoolers

Design and build motorized machines, catapults, pyramids, demolition derby cards, buildings and other constructions out of LEGO® bricks. While exploring engineering, architecture and physics, students will develop problem solving and critical thinking skills.

Go to their site to find classes in the Orange County area (they are in many areas if you are not in Orange County).  Classes range from $135 - $165 for a 2 month class, one day a week and are for K - 8th grade.  Sounds like a lot of fun.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Skip Counting

Sometimes students have a tough time learning to skip count.  If you incorporate it into your daily routine you can help make it a piece of cake!  As soon as your child learns their numbers well start to shake it up a bit.  Here are some ideas.  If you want your child to wait a little while before they move on to the next activity, instead of having them count to 30 or 100 have them skip count.  Tell them to count by 10's, 5's, 2's or 3's to a certain number.  (Teaching them in that order seems to work best.)  When playing games like Hide and Seek, have them try skip counting instead of the traditional counting.  The more practice they have in their everyday lives the more successful they will be.  This is an easy way for them to memorize without feeling like they have to!  Side note: Skip counting will help them with multiplication later!  :)

Interesting new documentary

Saw this and thought it was interesting.  Wanted to pass along if anyone is interested!

There will be a screening of the documentary 'Race to Nowhere' on September 30th @ JSerra High School.

A synopsis of the film:
A concerned mother turned filmmaker aims her camera at the culture of hollow achievement and pressure to perform that has invaded America's schools.

This remarkable new film shines a light on the price young people pay for this "race to nowhere." High stakes testing has replaced meaningful teaching and learning. Cheating is commonplace. Stress-related illness, depression and burnout are rampant. Many young people arrive at college and the workplace unprepared and uninspired.

Click on the links for more information: (to see the trailer) (to buy tickets click on the link and go to screenings)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Jericho vs Bowser, Robo's Birthday and a new trainer

So this morning was a rough start.  My husband left for the long weekend to be with his dad in Vegas...blah to them both.  hahaha

Anyway, the boys were a bit sad so I let school wait a bit and gave them some free time this morning.  They began by pulling out all of their blocks and I mean all!  I could not walk through my living room.  They went straight to work building a small city.  Soon after they had an action toy, who they have named Bowser (the Super Mario character), and they were explaining to this small toy why he needed to go in and knock down the walls of Jericho.  LOL... I love the imaginations of kids.  So two seconds later, Bowser heeded the advice of my 4 and 7 year old and the walls came crumbling down!

They then began to build a giant cage for my sons Robo Raptor (a robotic dinosaur).  I was informed that today, September 3rd, was Robo's birthday.  We had GoGurt's as the "cake", sang happy birthday to Robo and took pictures with Robo.  It was great as impromptu birthday's go :)

After I started my 5th day on P90X!  Woohoo!  My 7 year old thought he would try it with me.  I warned him.  We were doing balance lunges when he screamed out, "Why would they make you do this to yourself?!! This hurts!"  I just laughed and said that is what happens when you become an torture yourself!  :)  He then decided that he would just sit back and watch me to make sure I was doing everything correctly.  So for the next hour all I heard was, "Mommy, you aren't doing it like they are." "Mommy they are a lot lower than you." "Mommy why did you stop, they are still going."  In between huffs and puffs I tried to explain how those people are in better shape then me, but I received no mercy. "Mom, you just have to work harder!"  LOL  who needs to pay a personal trainer?!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Homeschool Days at Aquarium of the Pacific

Hey everyone!

September 22nd and 23rd - This just came up on my radar!  Looks like fun!  Only $6 for the aquarium!  Check it out!  Aquarium of the Pacific Homeschool Days

For all parents - great science experiment site


I found this great site by the San Diego Zoo.  They have wonderful science experiments for every grade level.  Check them out!

Science Experiments

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Two Events for Homeschoolers

Wanted to let people know!

Tomorrow (Thursday, Sept. 2nd, 7 pm) - Musical Open House for Homeschoolers!

Come and have your child try many different instruments from trumpets and flutes, to violins and cellos. We have classes in drums, handbells, jazz band and much more!

Village Bible Church
12671 Buaro
Garden Grove, CA 92840

September 14-17 - Discovery Science Center hosts Homeschoolers Week.  For grades 1 -6.  They have a great hands on experiment every day for each age group.  I have signed my son up for two.  They follow CA standards and your child gets to take something home.  If you are a member the cost is $9.  Non-members pay $16 and that includes admission to the center.  Here is the link Discovery Science Center.